And yet, in many ways it doesn't feel like it was just June. I feel like WAY too much has happened since we arrived here to have fit into just three months. On a day to day basis I really feel like we've just been here forever. We've made some really good friends. Rivkah started Ulpan. Yaeli and Sophie have started school (for the first time ever btw. I started a really great new job. We've both gotten a Rav Kav (the universal bus card here) and gotten a pretty good sense of the public transportation system here and which buses we need to take to get to different places. We've hosted out of town guests. We went to the beach and got horribly sunburned (had to happen at some point.
All the short term goals we set out for ourselves have materialized in front of our eyes. With it being the time of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, I urge all my readers to take a minute and don't make some crazy new years resolution you'll never be able to keep, but rather to pick a specific and attainable goal that you can accomplish within the next 6 months to a year and go out there and make it happen. When you meet HaShem even 10% of the way, he comes out and brings you along the other 90%.
Shana Tova to one and all.
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