
Of Brachos, Bedtime Love, and Great Big Sisters

Man, Friday was a hectic day at work. I only got home about 15 minutes before candle lighting. Thank heavens Rivkah was home all day because the house was pretty much ready for shabbos when I walked in the door.

I quickly set up her candles and she (and Yaeli) lit candles. Yaeli doesn't actually light them but she exuberantly covers her eyes and says "Lehadlik Ner Shel Shabbos!" Then she uncovers her eyes and, laughing the whole time, yells "Good Shabbos!" Such a cutie.

It was time for Yaeli to go to sleep right after candle lighting but we promised her "special shabbos grape juice." I sat her down and started helping her with the bracha. I said "borei"and she said "minei mezonos." I then said "no, borei peri" and she yelled "ha'adama." So I said "no, borei peri hagafen." She got it right that time. It's so cool that she is so excited about brachos.

Ok, two more quick stories.

1. After kiddush I told Yaeli to say good night to Mommy and Sophie. She ran over to Rivkah and gave her a really big hug and kiss. Then she ran to the couch and got right up in Sophie's face and said "Good night Sophie, I love you!" I think our hearts melted.

2. Today, after I got home from shul, Yaeli asked if she could hold Sophie. I said ok and told her to come sit next to me on the couch. She held Sophie for a good 3 or 4 minutes, an all time high. She really loves being a big sister.

שבוע טוב

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